in memoriam of Tomasz Mackiewicz
Tomek “Czapkins” Mackiewicz was a guest of the Festival five years ago. He was cycling for 3 days, on the way was robbed of the gifts from the sponsor of his next expedition, but it didn’t disturb his good mood nor prevent him from trying to hijack the bus with our guests going for a traditional banquet … that was Tomek. Sometimes incomprehensible, at times absent-minded. He stayed on his beloved Nanga Parbat forever. He will be recalled by his wife-Anna Solska-Mackiewicz, climbing partners-Elisabeth Revol, with whom he summited the desired top of Nanga Parbat, and Marek Klonowski.
The meeting will be led by the reporter of TVN- Robert Jałocha, who says about Tomek:
“I like Tomek. I simply do. I remember our meeting at the foot of Nanga Parbat. I remember our conversations and thoughts that followed. After his expedition in 2016, I dreamed that I’d make a documentary about him. Also winter … but it was supposed to be an exceptional winter. The first one in years when he would not go to the Himalayas. When he’d let go. When he would be sitting on the couch with the kids and not on a blue barrel in front of a tent. I even encouraged him to this conversation and such a material. He didn’t agree. He didn’t want to. Maybe he was afraid … It was the only opportunity for such an unique meeting. The next winter Tomek was again on Nanga. He died. When I talk about Tomek these days a very nice phrase often occurs. “But you know what Tomek was like”. I know. He didn’t act! He didn’t pretend to be someone better! He didn’t show himself only from the beautiful side! Even if his life was best reflected by the colours of winter Nanga, he didn’t colour it by force. I do not know why the hell he went to this summit … since he had already got there in his life climbing a long time ago. He was himself and, most importantly, wasn’t ashamed of it! I think that talking about him will be as important as talking with him. I’m glad … that such great people like Ania, Eli and Marek have agreed to this meeting. Today I have no idea whether it will be thrilling, inspiring or maybe, like Tomek used to say, mystical. I can be sure of only one thing-that it will be true.
During the expedition to Nanga in 2013 Czapkins and Klonu recorded a music video for the Grubson’s song “On the Top”. On Thursday evening Grubson will sing to their video.
Tomasz Mackiewicz-born in 1975, Polish mountaineer. In 2008, together with Marek Klonowski, they made a pioneer, exhausting traverse of Mount Logan for which they received the Kolos award in the category “Feat of the Year”. In 2009, he made a solo ascent of Khan Tengri. In the years 2010-2018 he tried to climb Nanga Parbat in winter seven times. He stood on the summit on January 25, 2018 together with Elisabeth Revol-climbing in the style similar to alpine, they managed to complete the Messner-Eisendle-Tomaseth route. He died during the descent.