Dominik Szczepański
Journalist, for the last few years working for “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Author and co-author of books “Na oceanie nie ma ciszy. Biografia Aleksandra Dobry, który przepłynął Atlantyk kajakiem” (There is no silence on the ocean. Biography of Alexander Dobra, who crossed the Atlantic by canoe), “Nanga Parbat. Śnieg, kłamstwa i góra do wyzwolenia” (Nanga Parbat. Snow, lies and a mountain to liberate), “Spod zamarzniętych powiek” (From under frozen eyelids) – a biography of Adam Bielecki, “Czapkins. Historia Tomka Mackiewicza” (Czapkins. The story of Tomek Mackiewicz). From the base camp at Nanga Parbat he reported the first winter ascent of the summit. A member of three exploration expeditions to the Chiribiquete National Park in Colombia, where he was looking for undiscovered rock paintings – the expedition was nominated for the National Geographic Traveller Award.