Zofia Staniszewska
Author of the detective series for children “Ignacy i Mela na tropie złodzieja,
funny guidebooks “Ale plama czyli domowe afery i dobre maniery” and “Dzieci w sieci dobrych manier”. The latter has been translated into Czech and received Honourable mention in the contest
“Świat przyjazny dziecku” (A Child-friendly World) of the Child Welfare Authority. Cooperates with a children’s magazine “Świerszczyk”. Her texts appear in school course books. She also writes novels for adults, has won dozens of poetic contests, her play “Urodziłaś się prostytutką / You Were Born a
Prostitute” was awarded the main prize at the WINDOWISKO Gdańsk Theatre Festival.
She worked as a teacher and graphic designer, currently is a librarian in Mosińska Public
Library. Acts in the Amateur Theatre BEZ KURTYNY.